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Joshua Harrell is an American success coach and author based in Georgia, USA. Making it his life's mission to help people realize the phenomenal force that they are in their lives, Joshua is definitely the type of man who has a lot on his plate. From handling his own team, coaching people from different walks of life, to even hosting his own successful podcast show, Joshua's daily workload can prove to be a tall order at times.

For the longest time, Joshua's problem had been trying to properly and effectively market his brand with a limited team and an even more limited schedule, leading to constraints that eventually cost him valuable time and resources. This all changed when Joshua discovered GraphicsZoo. Their year-long partnership has led to stunningly impressive results in Joshua's marketing endeavors across the board, essentially giving Joshua even more time to improve even more lives.


In a nutshell, Joshua Harrell is a man with a lot of passion. Prior to being who he is today, he worked in various industries such as the cosmetics and film industries, accumulating a strong understanding of life and what it means when we unleash that truly phenomenal potential we all have inside of us.

Today, Joshua Harrell is a success coach, entrepreneur, author, and presenter, currently serving as the CMO and Head of Industry Relations at Travel Quest Network, one of the fastest-growing host agencies in the United States. He regularly coaches high achievers, from CEOs of well-known corporations to solo-preneurs; anyone who wants to become more, do more, amplify their message, and become leaders in their field. He also hosts a phenomenally inspiring podcast called, you guessed it, The Phenomenal Show, designed for anyone who wants to get the most out of their lives. Lastly, he is also the author of the bestselling book Digital Marketing Strategies For Your Business (2019) and is the creator of the versatile planner Show Up + Shine (2019).

Obviously with a background like that, you'd need a few people helping you out. Luckily, Joshua has a team that he can rely on to carry out projects and help alleviate the workload in handling a lot of clients for his coaching services. Unluckily, however, there are some aspects in handling multiple businesses that need a tad bit more than just your usual supporting team.

This is where GraphicsZoo comes into the equation.

The Challenges

As Joshua's businesses grew, so did the demand for swift, top-tier marketing in his different projects. As he observed, he would need to outsource a lot of marketing efforts to freelancers just to alleviate the workload on his team in creating the marketing, sales, and training materials needed in his operations. The problem with having to rely on freelancers is in availability and effectiveness, and as Joshua points out, "I was using freelancers when I could find them... I just couldn't get everything done that I needed to get done". Relying on freelancers carries with it the risk that there won't be enough available freelancers right as you need them, and even if there were, you wouldn't be sure they could deliver quality projects with excellent graphic design that were on time and at the level of standard you want as a client.

Joshua kept hiring freelancers whenever he could, and his team would have to split the effort whenever he couldn't, leading to significant opportunity costs whenever he would be unable to get everything done on time. Being a coach, this proved to be a challenge that was difficult to handle, especially when Joshua needed all his energy to be focused on helping his high achiever clients reach their phenomenal potential.

Eventually, Joshua came upon the graphics design company GraphicsZoo in February of 2020, and this was when things started to change.

The Solution

Upon contacting GraphicsZoo, Joshua Harrell laid out his concerns, especially with regards to the steady output of effective marketing, branding, sales, and training materials. He told the team at GraphicsZoo of his need to get things done on the marketing side of things so that he can focus on other things that needed to be done in his many businesses.

GraphicsZoo immediately went to work, collecting vital data from Joshua that would be needed to create well-designed materials. The graphic design company runs on a carefully organized system of designers and experts, allowing the client to flexibly and freely prioritize projects depending on the urgency that they require. As Joshua points out, “With GraphicsZoo, I could load a bunch of projects and then prioritize them in the order in which I need them done.” This system allows clients like Joshua to smartly align their projects to their desired timelines, and can translate to more revenue with the amount of time saved throughout the conversion process.

GraphicsZoo isn’t just about saving time too, as the company strongly delivered on its commitment to producing top-tier projects that are all individually designed to suit the needs and wants of the client. When Joshua Harrell needed something designed, GraphicsZoo would take the client’s vision and turn it into reality. And what’s even cooler is that GraphicsZoo’s team of expert designers are also creative enough to come up with stunning ideas when the client simply does not know what he/she wants.

Sometimes I knew exactly what I wanted and I’d give them those instructions and they would execute exactly word for word what I had described. Other times I asked for their creativity, and they did not disappoint. They would take my original idea, however small, and make it fantastic, and I cannot thank them enough. That made all the difference in the world.

-Joshua Harrell

The Results

Because of the partnership between Joshua Harrell’s team and GraphicsZoo, Joshua’s businesses now have a steady and reliable flow of well-designed materials that have consistently performed accordingly with the client’s standards. From marketing materials, website graphics, to sales collaterals, ebooks, and basically anything that a client needs designed, GraphicsZoo can be a client’s one-stop shop for all their design needs. With GraphicsZoo’s affordable unlimited design plans, clients like Joshua can worry less about having to look and pay for the services of freelancers, providing clients with an extra layer of security and comfort when they do their business.

“GraphicsZoo helps my business win and look so much better than my competitors. In the end, I’ve gotten better sales and better brand recognition working with GraphicsZoo.”, says Joshua Harrell after more than a year of partnership with the design company.

Joshua’s vision and mission to helping his clients realize their phenomenal force and potential are made even more possible with the partnership, allowing Joshua to save more time to win more time with his businesses.

I would highly recommend them for any entrepreneur or anyone that’s in Marketing that needs that graphic design support.

Said Devrinn of G3G Athletic Training.

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Our designers are on standby right now to give you and your graphics that much-needed boost of inspiration and execution. With our commitment to high-quality designs at affordable rates, you’ll never run out of graphical material ever again. What are you waiting for?

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