Someone wise once said, “One must never be afraid to make mistakes; just don’t repeat the same ones”.
Everyone, in their lifetime, has made mistakes; whether in personal life or professional. Mistakes are nothing but a way of learning things. If you don’t make a mistake, you don’t learn what not to do. The same applies to every aspect of life.
However, today, we’ll be discussing the design mistakes which visual communicators, especially in the nascent stage of their career, make. Creating graphic designs can get really tricky and requires deep understanding as well as the practice of using color schemes.
Also, one must understand the application of designs according to the requirement as well. One cannot simply apply elements of graphic design, which are relevant to web designing, to logo design work.
So, if you have just started your career as a graphic designer or are business leaders looking to sync your marketing goals with your design work, check out these 4 common and grave design mistakes you must avoid at any cost.
The primary objective of any marketing initiative is to create awareness about the brand and communicate with the target audience. And, in order to do that successfully, a well designed content is a must. If your content is not designed properly, your intended audience may not stick to your message. This applies to the design of your website, your banners, emails, videos, images, and every piece of communication that you are using to connect with your audience.
The messaging must be clear and to the point.
One of the common design mistakes which designers commit is focusing too much on the appearance of the design.
I know what you must be thinking right now. “Isn’t design all about the appearance!?” Well, it has a lot to do with how the design looks, however, that’s just one part of it.
As professionals, offering graphic design services for several years now, GraphicsZoo understands the importance of other aspects of designing; one of which is performance.
The end objective of any creative design work is to perform well and meet its goal. But, if the design fails to do so, it doesn’t matter how pretty the design may be, it is the failure of your marketing strategies. The design must solve its purpose effectively in order to be considered a success.
CAn youreadthis SENTENCEWITHOUT HAvinGTo ReaD it again? Sorry for the bizarre sentence formation there, but we hope we were able to explain our point.
As a graphics designer, it is your responsibility to ensure that the written content in your marketing communication has uniform typography and emphasis. The content must be easily readable, which can be achieved by following the below parameters;
Very commonly, several graphic designers commit design mistakes which they may not be even aware of. One such mistake is not sticking to the design which is targeted towards the intended audience.
For example, one can’t keep light and playful design themes for a website that caters to an audience of lawmakers or finance professionals. A corporate and professional design scheme is required for such web pages. A lighter themed design with animal graphics can surely work well for a children’s website.
All in all, one must know the target audience and create the theme accordingly to avoid making any such design mistakes which would make you lose your target audience.
Are you, too, looking to improve upon your graphic design work to accelerate your marketing plan? Try out GraphicsZoo’s design services today and you’ll surely see the difference. Simply send in a “hello” at